A.I. Publishers

Academic International Publishers

Open Access Publishing for the Scientific Community

A.I.Publishers / About us

About us

Academic International Publishers is an International Educational Group run by the academic staff of the International Contemporary University.
A.I. Publishers (AIP) is interested in publishing peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology in Medicine, Engineering, Pure Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities based on its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance, and surprising conclusions. A.I. Publishers (AIP) also, provide rapid, authoritative, insightful, and arresting news and interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting science, scientists, and the wider public.


A.I. Publishers/ vision & Mission


A.I. Publishers seek to take place among international publishing houses, as well as seeking international global indexing, such as the Web of Science and Scopus. To achieve the highest standards, we work with worldwide academics and universities. We are determined to identify a sustainable route to expand this to all our publications, even though all our journals now provide instant open-access opportunities.


A.I. Publishers assist customers in obtaining valuable insights and reaching crucial decisions across diverse studies and thriving environments. We apply the same accuracy of our accurate solutions for scholars, healthcare workers, universities, and sponsors. To maintain customer satisfaction, we establish the highest reliability and quality standards. We support open information distribution and accessible science. We have developed a broad range of open-access publishing choices for researchers and writers in all fields.

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